Wireless keyboards / readers

Jablotron Wireless keyboards / readers

Best Sellers

  1. JABLOTRON JA-192E - (0101-817) - Control segment of access modules

    The JA-192E is the control segment for the JA-112E, JA-113E, JA-114E, JA-152E, JA-153E and JA-154E access modules.
  2. A-JABLOTRON JA-153E - Wireless module with keyboard and RFID

    JA-153E is a two-way communicating wireless access module with a keyboard and RFID reader for controlling the...
  3. JABLOTRON JA-152E - Wireless RFID module

    JA-152E is a two-way wireless access module with an RFID reader for controlling the security system. It contains one...

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